Deploying Peplink FusionHub at AWS Marketplace

Acquiring FusionHub from AWS Marketplace (Firmware 8.0.2s127 onwards) - June 2020

[Service Interruption Notice] 03 January 2024
[Service Restored on 10 January 2034]

FusionHub is the virtual SpeedFusion appliance from Peplink which allows you to establish SpeedFusion connections between cloud servers and physical Peplink devices, among those supported is Amazon Web Services/AWS.

###A) Sample Deployment Diagram

*Additional setup network diagrams can be found here.

###B) Notes on the AWS user account access control and protection:

  • Please use the adequate account type, eg. IAM account access level, avoid using the highest level, root user for the operations.

  • Is it recommended user account with appropriate access privilege, namely, AmazonEC2FullAccess & AWSMarketplaceManageSubscriptions, to access the AWS.

###C) Prerequisite

The user who wishes to deploy FusionHub on AWS should possed some basic technical knowledge/know-how in the area listed below:

  • Understand the operation of SpeedFusion/PepVPN on Balance/MAX and FusionHub

  • Understand how to use InControl 2 (

  • Understand the FusionHub license model. (Software license of FusionHub is free for 1 SpeedFusion/PepVPN Peer, it is required to purchase the license from our eStore if requires to connect more than one SpeedFusion/PepVPN peer)

  • Understand the concept and know how to operate the Amazon AWS Marketplace, EC2, VPC

  • Understand the requirement for FusionHub on AWS and which will incur changes by AWS which according to the different type of instance and regions.

    • EC2 x1

    • VPC x1

    • Elastic IP x1

    • Volume (1 GB) x1

###D) Deployment Steps

A typical FusionHub provisioning requires about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Any additional settings might need more steps and a longer time.

Now you can acquire the FusionHub instance from AWS Marketplace, as illustrated with the steps below.

  1. Login to AWS Marketplace

  1. Once logged in, look for the FusionHub using the search tool

  1. The FusionHub will be shown in the search results page, click on the FusionHub to continue.

  1. Select the Region and the EC2 Instance type for your FusionHub, then click “Continue to Subscribe” for the next step.

The available regions include:

US East - N. Virginia, Ohio; US West - N. California, Oregon; Canada - Central

EU - Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, Stockholm, Milan

Asia Pacific - Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Mumbai

South America - Sao Paulo

Middle East - Bahrain

Africa - Cape Town

  1. You may review the Terms and Conditions, then click on the “Continue to Configuration” to proceed.

  2. Review the information and make the changes if needed, then click on the “Continue to Launch” for the next step.

  1. On the Launch this software page, you may select the “Launch through EC2” option under the “Choose Action” to continue.

Setting the Instance type

  1. Choose an Instance Type that suit your deployment requirements, eg. t3.medium, then click “Next: Configure Instance Details” to proceed. You may refer to the Recommended AWS Instances guide under the FusionHub product page for more information about the sizing guide.

  1. Configure the relevant parameters. Eg. Network and Subnet (assuming you have already created the VPC with relevant settings in place), if you’re unsure what these should be, then please skip this step and click “Review and Launch” at the bottom right, else continue with “Next: Add Storage” button.

  1. To ensure the FusionHub default services are accessible once it is provisioned, please check on the filtering rules that automatically associated to the FusionHub, click “Review and Launch” to start the FusionHub.

  1. Review the settings and launch the FusionHub instance.

  1. The FusionHub instance has been launched, you may click on the “View Instances” to check on the FusionHub status

Retrieving the default password and associating the Public IP

  1. Do take note of the Instance ID, it is the default password for this particular FusionHub instance. Next, assign a Public IP so the FusionHub can be accessed from the Internet and ready for SpeedFusion configuration. Select the Action > Networking > Manage IP Address to continue.

  1. A new browser tab will appear. You can associate the Public IP to the FusionHub instance at this page. This Public IP (Elastic IP address) will be used for accessing the FusionHub - Web Admin, as described in the next section.

Accessing FusionHub

  1. Now, you may access your FusionHub from anywhere in the Internet, in your web browser, type in “https://[FusionHub.instance.public.ip.address]” in order to access FusionHub’s administration interface. Remember the default password is the Instance ID.

Now, you may continue with the FusionHub activation and setup tasks after successful login.

###E) Post Installation Tasks
E.1 - FusionHub - External Connectivity
Few more tasks to have the FusionHub with external connectivity.

1. Disable Source/Destination Check for FusionHub Instance

  1. Open the AWS Management Console.
  2. Select Services > EC2 > Instances.
  3. Select the FusionHub instance.
  4. Select “Action” on top of the page, choose Networking > Change Source/Destination Check.
  5. Click Yes/Disable.

2. Configure IP Forwarding mode for FusionHub
Enable IP Forwarding option under the Network > WAN > Connection Settings, the default Routing Mode is NAT.

E.2 - Testing Connectivity
Once you have the FusionHub setup and the SpeedFusion (VPN) configured at both FusionHub and remote peer(s), you might want to conduct some tests to ensure the SpeedFusion connectivity is working.

There are tools built in the FusionHub, PING is one of the options to check the connectivity, it can be accessed via System > Tools > Ping, eg. remote LAN IP:

2. PepVPN Analyzer
Go to Status > SpeedFusion, click in the “>” to launch the PepVPN Analyzer tool.

You can choose various testing options, TCP or UDP, Upload vs Download, number of streams, & duration.

E.3 - Troubleshooting Tips
Scenario 1:
If SpeedFusion is unable to connect, then you may check on the security rules, etc.
Scenario 2:
If SpeedFusion is connected, but Ping is unsuccessful, then you need to check security rules, VPC route table, etc.

###F) External Reference
Additional settings and configurations guide can be found in the FusionHub User Manual.


Hey @WeiMing
Have used this many time since it was launched and absolutely love it!
One thing we have noticed is every second or third time, the Instance ID does not work as the password but “admin” does

I have no problem to login with the instance ID as a password. I tested it many times.

Please help to open ticket for us take a look of your FusionHub.

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No issue for me either…

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Ok, just to clarify, this is what is happening;
-Create FusionHub Solo Licence and add serial number to InControl2 account
-Launch FusionHub via AWS Marketplace
-Login to FusionHub via public IP address using admin/admin (Instance ID does not work)
-Go through setup and apply FusionHub licence key
-FusionHub reboots
-Finished setup via remote web admin from InControl2
-Today I tried login in with admin/admin and it didn’t work but admin/instance ID did work.

My question is, should the Instance ID be the password immediately or does this not happen until after the licence key is applied?

@Harry_Thompson, the instance ID will be the password before or after the license key is applied.

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This is not what we are seeing.
At least 5 times I have only been able to log in using admin/admin for marketplace launched instances.
I’ll do some testing tomorrow

Just spun up with these instructions on Oct 19 on Oregon server - same results. Initial user name and password combo was admin/admin

@Sean_Rabbitt, please open ticket for us to take a look. Thanks.

I have been asked by a client to look at moving his FusionHub to AWS in a local region (South Africa) to see if it will decrease his network latency. Is it possible to install FusionHub from MarketPlace on my own AWS account as a proof of concept for free? I have to avoid any costs at this stage of the potential project.
Any advice will be highly appreciated - I’m confident in my AWS skills, but don’t know FusionHub or any of the PepLink products.
Thanks, Philip

@philip2, you may opt for FusionHub Solo or Evaluation edition, for the PoC purpose, it is free of charge.

You may visit these URLs for additional details:

  1. FusionHub Solo: A Complimentary FusionHub License for Every Peplink User
  2. FusionHub Solo - product page
  3. FusionHub Eval - license generation
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