FusionHub is the virtual SpeedFusion appliance from Peplink which allows you to establish SpeedFusion connections between cloud servers and physical Peplink devices, among those supported is Amazon Web Services/AWS.
UPDATE: here’s a new simplified approach to install on AWS outlined here-
(Part A) Acquiring FusionHub Instance
Note/Update on June 2020:
You are now able to acquire the FusionHub instance from AWS Marketplace, as stated in the post.
In your InControl 2 account, Organization Level > Organization Settings > Warranty & License -
At the bottom of the page, under the “FusionHub Liscenses” section, click “Acquire FusionHub AMI for AWS EC2” -
Once complete, login to your AWS Management Console -
Once logged in, select AMIs under Images -
At the top, locate Filter and pick Private images.
(Part B) Configuring FusionHub Instance
Click on Peplink FusionHub and a blue dot appears to show that it’s highlighted.
Click Launch -
In the next screen Choose an Instance Type, click “t2.micro”
Then click “Configure Instance Details” at the bottom right of the page.
The “Configure Instance Details” page allows you to make changes to the
Instance details and network interfaces. If you’re unsure what these should be,
then please skip this step.
Click Review and Launch at the bottom right
In the next page “Review Instance Launch”, click on Edit security groups.
Configure the Basic Security Group settings as follows:
● Remove SSH
● Add TCP 2222/32015
● Add UDP 4500
Note - If you have other services/applications/specific ports that need to route through the FusionHub instance, ensure they’re configured here as well.
Click Review and Launch
Confirm that the details are correct, and then click Launch.
In the left hand panel, expand “Instances” and click on Instances.
Select FusionHub’s running instance by clicking on it once.
You’ll need to generate a Security Key to complete.
- After highlighting the running instance, right-click to bring up the context menu.
- Click on “**Change Source/Des. Check**” in the context menu
Select Disable Source/Dest Check -
(Part C) Accessing and Activating the FusionHub
Note FusionHub’s public IP address.
In your web browser, type in the following to access FusionHub’s administration interface -
Go through initial configuration for FusionHub. Check to make sure all settings have been configured correctly, and then click Save and Apply settings to confirm when done.
You will be redirected to the License Information screen. The default License Information
dialog looks similar to the following:
The License Key referenced is the FusionHub license key obtained from the InControl2 webpage. Please refer to FusionHub License Generation for details on creating this license key.
Click Submit after filling the form.
When the license is successfully activated, you will see the following screen:
Once complete, settings should look like this -