What is it?
Simultaneous Wi-Fi as WAN and Wi-Fi AP means you create a completely wireless network where your router picks up on a known Wi-Fi SSID and use that as connection input (WAN), and then broadcast another Wi-Fi signal on the LAN side for your own use.
If you’re looking to set up dual-band failover Wi-Fi as WAN, go here.
If you’re looking to set up simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi as WAN, go here.
You can enable a Wi-Fi AP that runs on 2.4GHz as well as 5GHz frequency; or separate Wi-Fi APs - ones that runs on 2.4GHz only and ones on 5GHz only.
How to setup?
Simultaneous Wi-Fi WAN and Wi-Fi AP
First, let’s define the Wi-Fi-as-WAN itself.
On your Dashboard, under WAN Connection Status, find the “Wi-Fi WAN” (or “Wi-Fi WAN on 5GHz”) connection.
By default, this is under the Disabled priority.
Click Details.
You can rename it, or leave as is. For a bit of context, we’ll use “Campground Wi-Fi 2.4GHz” for the example. Click Save and Apply at the bottom.
Back in the WAN Connection Status tab, drag and drop the newly named Wi-Fi WAN connection into Priority 1.
Click Wireless Networks and choose the available Wi-Fi you wish to connect to as WAN, then enter the password.
You have just created one Wi-Fi WAN connection on 2.4Ghz.
Next, we define the Wi-Fi AP.
Head to the AP tab, then click New SSID
Name the SSID, choose Security Policy type and enter the password, then click Save. Apply Changes.
By default, the newly created SSID is available on both 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz frequencies. If you wish to customize these details, then from the AP tab, click Settings on the left hand menu.
Under AP Settings, choose the desired frequencies for the defined SSIDs. Click Save at the bottom, then Apply Changes at the top right.
Resulting setup: