How to set up simultaneous dual-band Wi-Fi as WAN

OK, so this whole thread is based on the initial post about using both 2.4 and 5 Ghz WiFi connections simultaneously, for what I assume would be more bandwidth available over the single connection, and it says it will load balance the connections. In my case I just want to do that but the 2 WiFi bands would just be from different hotspots to provide a little more bandwidth and stability by having the two sources live at the same time to cover when one or the other is running slowly or drops. My current setup with the SOHO is just providing failover in failure, and it would be great to get a little more capability for resilience and speed.

"*What is it?
On select devices with dual active radios, 2x Wi-Fi-as-WAN connections can be defined, placed into the same connection priority , utilizing both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands simultaneously.

If you’re looking to setup simultaneous Wi-Fi as WAN and Wi-Fi AP , go here .
If you’re looking to set up dual-band failover Wi-Fi WAN , then please see: How to set up dual-band failover for Wi-Fi as WAN

You are in a RV. The campground you’re parked at broadcasts “Campground WiFi 2.4Ghz” and “Campground WiFi 5Ghz”. You use the “Campground WiFi 2.4Ghz” as the WAN source on the 2.4GHz frequency and at the same time, use the second “Campground WiFi 5Ghz” Wi-Fi SSID from the campground as the WAN source on the 5GHz frequency.
When placed in the same connection priority, these two Wi-Fi WAN connections can be active at the same time and load-balanced."

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