We do a lot of work within the marine industry (superyachts and large cargo vessels) and supply quite a few of your routers. It would help us greatly if we could set the router to only connect to certain networks around the world. A lot of our solutions only cover certain countries or certain networks within each country. Some of our customers have been receiving large bills by using the wrong network automatically.
If I can help at all with this in any way please let me know.
After having internal discussion, we do have similar feature in our roadmap. However, your request is based on carrier service. This brings us the challenge of showing all the carriers (more than 1600 carriers) in worldwide. Can you share how you preferred the carrier selection to be showing up and allow carrier select from the UI? User experience with the UI is important for us.
I was envisaging a list where I add the MCC/MNC codes for the networks I want to be able to connect to one by one then maybe an option in cellular settings where the whitelist can be turned off and on. This way there would be no need to add all the networks on a drop down, for example, and you would not need to keep any lists up to date as new networks are formed. The router when in automatic network selection mode would then look at all the networks it can see and see if any are on the “allowed” list before it connects.
The manual carrier selection option that you currently have is great and does not need changing in any way. We find the scan facility much more useful than manually setting the network via MCC/MNC code which some other makes (e.g. Cradlepoint) employ.
Your UI is the best of the bunch by the way. We have exposure to most of your competitors and yours is head and shoulders above the rest. Automatic firmware update check doesn’t work too well though if you are after feedback - I tend to have to do this manually.
Thank you very much for this feature. It’s helping us out massively already. I have been doing a little testing in the office and have come across a very strange issue. Am i right in thinking that you cannot blacklist (deny) the home country of a sim? If so, I would imagine this could be changed quite easily. We prefer our sims to always be roaming sometimes.
That is correct, the data roaming options have no effect on the SIM when it is in its home country.
The logic behind this is when a SIM is in the country of origin it isn’t roaming.
If you would like to see this option changed, please raise it as a new feature request.
We also received the request in this minute.
Isle of Man has the same MCC like Ireland, but another MNC. Costs are about 5 Euro for 1 MB on this Island. So blocking this would be nice.
that sounds good. Could you please explain this feature a little bit? Does it mean I can whitelist one Provider or more? Can I also use this as a Blacklist?
This is a great feature. Could you also make it a blacklist for PLMN codes?
I have a customer that would like to block a certain provider that is charging a lot when roaming on their Cellular towers.
Am I right in thinking this feature has been removed on the 5G modems? Checked a transit 5G and a Balance 310 5G and this feature is not there. This is a massive problem for us. We need it back ASAP.
@markiequarkie, sorry this is months late but if you need a hand with this message me.