FusionHub is the virtual SpeedFusion appliance from Peplink which allows you to establish SpeedFusion connections between cloud servers and physical Peplink devices, among those supported is Microsoft Azure.
Configuration (InControl 2):
1) From your InControl 2 Organization level -- Organization > Settings > Warranty & License
On the “Warranty Status” screen, click the Create Evaluation License button-
To add FusionHub onto your organization, navigate to Organization>Settings>Add Devices -
FusionHub Download:
Download FusionHub from the following link:
Configuration steps (MS Azure):
1. Create an Azure storage account to save the FusionHub .vhd image that you downloaded to your local computer.
Login to your Azure Portal: https://portal.azure.com/
- Create a Blob Storage account and applicable Resource Group together.
Click New > Storage Account
Fill in the Name for the Storage Account and Resource Group; set Account Kind to Blob Storage, Replication to LRS and Location to” your own location” and click Create.
Open the Storage Account that you just created by clicking on it and create a container.
Click + Container to get started.
Type the Name of the container in the Name field, choose access type Private and click OK.
2. Create a Virtual Network that your FusionHub will use to connect to existing and new Virtual Machines in your Azure Portal
Click +New > Networking > Virtual Network and fill in the fields required.
Click Create
3. Upload the VHD file from your local computer to the Azure Portal
To upload the FusionHub.vhd file you need to make a note of the Source and Destination path.
NOTE: You’ll have to manually add “\fusionhub.vhd” to the end of the file path for both the Source and Destination when entering.
In this example the source path is: “C:\Users/localadmin/Desktop/FHAzure/fusionhub.vhd"
Your Destination path is the location in Microsoft Azure.
- These details can be copied from the properties of the Azure Storage Container.
Install Azure Powershell
Azure PowerShell is a set of modules that provide cmdlets to manage Azure with Windows PowerShell. You’ll need this to upload the .VHD file to your Azure Portal and create the Virtual Machine.
Download and install the Micrososft Azure Powershell using the WEBPI here:
Start Windows Powershell with administrator privileges.
When Powershell is open, log on to Azure within Powershell by typing the following
- Login-AzureRmAccount
Enter your Microsoft Azure login details.
To make the commands a bit easier, we’ll define macros for both the Source and Destination information. This allows you to type “$destinationVHD” or “$destinationVHD” in any code when you are referring to their file paths.
Define the macros as follows:
$SourceVHD = “C:\temp\fusionhub\FusionHub\VHD\fusionhub.vhd”
- where you downloaded the VHD file on your local PC
$destinationVHD = “https://peptutsa.blob.core.windows.net/pepturcont /fusionhub.vhd”
- where your Azure Storage Container is located
The following command starts copying the file to your Microsoft Azure portal (use your own resource
Group Name):
Add-AzureRmVhd -ResourceGroupName %yourresourcegroupname% -LocalFilePath $SourceVHD -Destination $destinationVHD
4. Create a VM from the FusionHub VHD
In this example, we create the FusionHub VM using a script, you only have to add a few parameters and our FusionHub VM should be up and running. You can find most of the parameters in the Microsoft Azure Portal.
location: defined in MS Azure (Storage Account)
vmName: defined in MS Azure
osType: Linux
osDiskVhdUri: defined in MS Azure (Storage Container file path)
vmSize: if unknown, use “Standard_A0”
existingVirtualNetworkName: defined in MS Azure (Virtual Network)
existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroup: defined in MS Azure (Storage Account)
subnetName: default (manually entered)
dnsNameForPublicIP: same as vmName
Copy and paste (right-click!) the following code into Azure Powershell after you have replaced the ResourceGroupname for your ResourceGroupname
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name FHDeployment -ResourceGroupName peptutrg -TemplateUri http://download.peplink.com/files/fh/azuredeploy.json
When the script is successful you’ll see this screen:
You will see the FusionHub VM in your resources in the Microsoft Azure Portal and are able to access the FusionHub UI via the Public IP address (found in the Azure portal).