Configuring FusionHub for Google Cloud Engine

FusionHub is the virtual SpeedFusion appliance from Peplink which allows you to establish SpeedFusion connections between cloud servers and physical Peplink devices, among those supported is Google Cloud.

Configuration (Google Cloud platform) -

  • Download the GCE FusionHub image here
  • Login and go to the Console -
  • Under Home > Storage, go to Storage > Browser

We’ll need to create a Bucket for the FusionHub instance.
Click Create Bucket -

Name the bucket, it can be whatever you like (just an identifier). When done, click Create

Path out to where you’ve saved the FusionHub instance (NOTE - must be in tar.gz format) and select Upload File -

Once complete, we need to create the bootable image to access. Select Menu and scroll down to Compute > Compute Engine > Images

Select Create Image -

  1. Name the instance (can be whatever you like, just an identifier)
  2. Enter a Desciption (if desired - optional)
  3. Under Cloud Storage File, select Browse -

  1. Select the Bucket you created
  2. Select the tar.gz file that’s been uploaded
  3. Select

This should take you back to the previous screen and now have the tar.gz selected (as shown), Choose Create -

Once this completes (it will take a bit to do so), you should see your created instance -

Under Menu, scroll down to Networking > VPC network and choose Firewall rules -

Select Create Firewall Rule -

A firewall rule for SpeedFusion traffic needs to be created as follows -

  • Name - default-allow-speedfusion
  • Description - SF access
  • Targets - Specified target tags
  • Target tags - speedfusion
  • Source filter - IP Ranges
  • Source IP ranges -
  • Protocols and Ports > Specified protocols and ports > tcp:2222;tcp:32015;udp:4500;udp:32015
  • Create

Once complete, your rule appears as follows -

Next is to create the actual instance location, Under Home > Compute > Compute Engine, select VM instance -

Choose Create -

Under Boot disk, Change -

  1. Select Custom Image
  2. Choose the created instance
  3. Select

It takes a few moments to complete -

Once it finishes, take note of the public IP -

Things are now setup on Google Cloud and you can access the instance at the Public IP -

FusionHub Installation (UI)

Once you log-in to the FusionHub instance, run through the Setup Wizard -

Configure the WAN with the applicable information -

Assign the Local ID to your instance for SpeedFusion configuration -

Once configuration is complete, confirm settings -

Next is to apply the FusionHub license to the instance; instructions to do so can be found here -

Finally, confirm that firmware is current -

Once complete, your instance is up and running and ready for use.


Update - added addition port to GCE Firewall rule (UDP: 32015)

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Where can we download the GCE build for current fusionhub version?


The arrangement as for now is to install GCE FusionHub version 6.2.2 and then upgrade to FusionHub version 7.1.1.

You can download the GCE FusionHub version 6.2.2 image here.

and the 7.1.1 upgrade image here

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You also must allow HTTP traffic in instance-1

Thank You for the tutorial Jason!

BTW: I have Upgraded FusionHub directly from the System > Firmware
menu to latest firmware 8.0.0 with success.

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