Hi all, is it possible to use the captive portal but only have it function on one SSID of the Pepwave APs? I have the Balance One and then a couple APs I bought to test out. I like having the portal, but I don’t want it showing if we’re on Ethernet for example vs Wifi, and I only want it to show on our staff wifi network, not the management one. Is that possible? Didn’t really see that in here.
If not can I exempt by MAC address devices that I don’t want on the portal? Things like Chromecast are a pain if they have to use a portal all the time. Thanks!
Captive portal can be configured either locally on the Balance One or by using InControl2. In either case you can assign the CP to a single VLAN. So you could create a new VLAN for the WiFi clients and assign it to just that network.