Balance 30 LTEA - Content Filtering - Lite Version Categories

Hello Peplink Support,
A product that is picking up in popularity here in Australia is the Peplink Balance 30 LTEA, customers are taking to this as it has a higher number of network ports and also a builtin LTEA modem.

Is it possible to bring more of the feature set within these up to those of the Balance ONE?

Of particular interest would be to have the content filtering option like the eight Lite categories as mentioned in these two posts

Also to be able to monitor the port status would be nice too as previously spoken about here (and visible now with many device on 7.1.x)

Another firmware feature that would be worth adding (as it catches out first time buyers of the model) is to include the Cellular connection into the Setup Wizard.

Finally we would like to have the cellular connection active by default when first powered up from factory reset (or new out of the box) thus allowing easier provisioning support & configuration restoration from InControl2.

Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:

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Hello Peplink Community,
Is there anyone else interested in this feature request?

Here are some screen captures of the current Content Filtering options available in Firmware 7.1.1 GA, noticably mising is the List-Based Web Blocking.

Peplink Balance 30 LTEA - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking options

Peplink Balance 30 LTEA - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking Application Based options #1 of 4

Peplink Balance 30 LTEA - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking Application Based options #2 of 4

Peplink Balance 30 LTEA - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking Application Based options #3 of 4

Peplink Balance 30 LTEA - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking Application Based options #4 of 4

Peplink Balance One - Firmware 7.1.1 - Content Blocking options

This image shows the eight (8) “light” filtering options seen in a Balance One that would be good to have as a basic in all models with future firmware versions.

Options / Thoughts invited

One thought we would like to put out there for discussion, is it worth bringing out another version of the Balance ONE, such as Balance ONE LTEA & a Balance ONE Core LTEA, then the only thing missing is PoE ports.

Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:


I like the idea of Balance One LTEA, under the condition that PepVPN / SpeedFusion throughput is improved. If, the CPU allows higher throughput, maybe there should be a license to enable 120 Mbps in PepVPN / SF… What do you think?


I also have a customer asking for what you are Marcus, Lite Content Filtering on the Balance 30 PRO. The SOHO has this ability while the 30 PRO does not. This doesn’t seem consistent.

Peplink, please add this feature to the Balance 30 PRO.