T-Mobile Service on PepWave Max BR1 Pro 5G

DO NOT BUY the Pepwave Max BR1 Pro 5G if you have T Mobile Service unless you are a business. Trust me on this! I spent two days and over 10 hours with both the T-Mobile Tech Support and the 5G Store Tech Support only to learn that T Mobile will not provide 5G service on this device. This device is only approved for 5G service via a T Mobile Business Account. I purchased the Pepwave Max BR1 Pro 5G and had it installed on a boat which was an expensive proposition and now I am left with a device that does not work. I specifically asked T Mobile if they would support this device before purchasing it and they said yes it would. That turned out to be false. Same story with the 5G Store. They said T Mobile supported this devise. That was false. T Mobile only supports four (4) devices for non business use and none of them are from Peplink/Pepwave. Read the fine print. The advertising is misleading. Buyer beware!

I feel your pain, cell carriers in the USA are a PITA

Peplink is an business/enterprise device, so anyone using on a non-business plan is very much YMMV

Out of curiosity, what is T-mobile’s business plan and why did you not get one so the device would work?

I have a postpaid Magenta Max plan with 10 lines on it that is not a business account. My account does include 5G coverage, and I can usually just swap SIM cards freely between any of my Pepwave devices.

The Max BR1 Pro 5G does work with T-Mobile, connected to 5G (see screenshots). I took the card straight out of a SIM injector connected to another device 2 days ago and plugged it straight into this device with no issues.


It seems like you got your plan from a third party, have you tried getting one directly from T-Mobile?

Yes. I bought the T Mobile Service Plan directly from T Mobile In Bellingham WA

Regarding the business plan you need to show tax ID, Tax Return etc. I do not have a business so no luck with that route

Hi Paul,

We’ve communicated with 5Gstore and understood that such TMO exceptions (about consumer plans) are new to our teams. The incorrect answer was certainly unintentional.

You are also advised to reach back to 5Gstore to continue the support that was offered and the resolutions that had been discussed.

Thank you.

P.S. Peplink will clarify with TMO and make sure our marketing materials are crystal clear.


Trust me when I told you that T Mobile said they will not support 5G 100 GB

I don’t really understand what you are trying to say. I spoke to the 5G Store and in fact they were on the phone with me in a conference call with T Mobile. Two days in a row with two different 5G Store Tech Support Reps in multiple hour conference calls with T Mobile. The bottom line is that Peplink/Pepwave needs to get T Mobile to authorize your Max BR1 Pro 5g for use by non business account customers. As of right now the only plans available for this device are 4G 50gb plans. That’s a fact!

That seems like a lot. In the past with other carriers I could setup a business account no problem. Use SSN as FEIN or just go register a free FEIN.

You are exactly correct. I had one with AT&T myself. T Mobile is brutal. We asked about using a SSN or FEIN and the answer was no. Must have a tax ID etc. etc. Very disappointing.

At one point before May or so of 2021 you were able to sign up and get a 100gb plan, is this what you are trying to still achieve? I don’t think this promotion is available anymore.

Additionally, if you hover any of the original post links, they all direct to T-Mobile business.

Are you able to provide a link to the current 100GB plan you are trying to get activated?

That definitely is a fact!
However, they seem to now offer just 50gb/$50 month as compared to the 100GB/$50 month, as the normal price, is that what you are referring to?

  • The 100GB/month was a promo deal that appears to have expired.

After doing a little bit of T-Mobile research, they swapped the $50 month plan to an unlimited plan instead. Why would you still want only 100Gb at that point?
$40 => 50GB, $50 =>unlimited.
You already suggested a $50/month plan, so why would you not choose this?
If you are going to pay $50/month just get a postpaid plan with all of the same options and not have to worry about a connection issue when inputting the SIM card.
As I previously had stated, I have had no issue swapping SIM cards on a T-Mobile postpaid plan.


  • Prior to making any assumptions you should also read this…

That appears to be a phone/voice plan not a hotspot/router/data plan. Whether or not it works, YMMV, and if it does, it might stop at any time.


We have communicated with TMO and clarified the situation. We were told that TMO business internet plans do require a business Tax ID for activation, they will not accept a SSN or FEIN. This is unrelated to the device or Peplink. All certified TMO devices are subject to the same service policy.

In other words, for TMO’s business internet plans, Peplink’s TMO-certified devices - such as the BR1 Pro 5G - can be activated when a business tax ID is provided - considered as a business account.

A consumer or individual user is eligible to sign up with TMO’s consumer plans. All Peplink TMO-certified devices are also compatible to TMO’s consumer hotspot/data/router (BYOD) data plans.

In short, Peplink devices will work with both TMO business and consumer plans – subject to TMO’s terms and conditions.

We hope this clarifies the situation.

What do you mean by tax ID? FEIN is a tax ID #… why isn’t that good enough?

The essence is TMO needs a real business account. Some plans are just not available to consumers.

Regrettably further questions on their terms and conditions can only be addressed by a TMO representative, we do not have enough info to further comment. Thanks.

I might point out that that’s Verizon’s policy as well. When we applied for our corporate account with Verizon some time ago we not only had to furnish our company’s TIN, the rep was required to retrieve the first three pages of our incorporation documents from the Secretary of State.

Hi All,

I struggled with T-Mobile. Tried to move my 100 GB plan from Sprint, no go, nor for any T-Mobile plans at 100 GB. You can get the 50GB Mobile Internet Plan (with 5G support) for $50/$55 per month depending on auto pay. This is a consumer plan. Just got it initiated on Tuesday March 22nd and using it as we speak on my Pro 5G. 50 GB is all T-Mobile will provide right now for the Pro 5G.

Now Verizon??? They “support” the Pro 5G but have no plans attached to it as of yesterday. Awaiting a response to my ticket at Verizon. Have not tried to put my LTE sim from my Mk2 into the Pro 5G so see if it will work…

I consulted a partner with Verizon and here is what I was told. The following info is not verified. You may try and please report back.

For what it’s worth. Many Peplink owners with Verizon data plans have been able to take a currently activated data only plan sim from another device & place it in a current Peplink device.

I presently have 4 Verzion data only plans we use as secondary data sources installed in 4 different devices. When I obtained the sims from Verizon I asked Verizon support if the sims were device specific. Their response was no.


The above link reflects the devices presently certified for use on the Verizon network. Assuming you have a data only sim, I suspect it will work in the Pro 5G (may need to account for sim size).

In looking at the Verizon data only plans available for my devices, it appears Verizon is offering plans from 15GB @ $17.00/mos. to 150GB @ $68.00/mos.

As Keith pointed out, Verizon refers to these data only plans as hotspot plans. In my case, I use Verizon as my cellular phone carrier & have been using one of their data only plans as a backup.

On the surface, these plans look to be very competitive… even more so with military discount.


I didn’t have an old Jet Pack, but a tech support guy at Verizon managed to provision my sim in that device then move that sim # to my device. If you put is a Pro 5G IMEI, it shows it as supported but does not let you choose a plan and then tells you that you need one. The screen does not provide any options. So, my problem is fixed, but the bigger Verizon plan issue is not yet.