Hello All,
I am sharing the graphs from yesterday’s live stream (I used a Max BR1 Pro 5G with Starlink on WAN and speed fusion). I noticed several issues in the video stream (heavy pixelation on several occasions), and looking at the graphs of the cellular connection and Starlink (both on priority 1), I believe those artifacts and poor quality at times are due to the cell signal latency and Starlink drops.
Can you add a br1-mini-5g with sim card from another mobile operator? Using VWAN at your br1-pro5g?
I did this… but because I don’t have Starlink… I use one BR1-PRO-5G and two BR1-mini-5G. Works great!
Thank you. I have a mifi with ethernet, so I will use that one! When setting it up, I have doubts about what number to input here (I put 10 since I watched a video in YouTube and they used that one)
This is exactly how I did it, and it worked. My questions is, instead of reserved VLAN, shouldn´t I select Speedfusion if I want it to go to the bonded tunnel?
You need to use a reserved VLAN to build your WAN on a LAN port. This is the first step. Second step is select this VWAN port in your speedfusion session (bonded tunnel) to keep your stream working well. third step? maybe using FEC or not.