Firmware Release for OpenVPN WAN

The following is the supported models and firmware download links for the feature of OpenVPN WAN support.

This firmware is specific for the customer who purchased OpenVPN WAN license.

Product Hardware Revision Download Link
Balance 1350 HW2 Download
Balance 20 ALL Download
Balance 20X ALL Download
Balance 210 HW2-3 Download
HW4-5 Download
Balance 2500 ALL Download
Balance 30 ALL Download
Balance 30 LTE HW1-2 Download
HW3 Download
Balance 30 Pro ALL Download
Balance 305 HW2 Download
Balance 310 HW2-3 Download
HW4 Download
Balance 310X ALL Download
Balance 380 HW6 Download
Balance 50 ALL Download
Balance 580 HW2-3 Download
Balance 710 HW3 Download
Balance One ALL Download
Balance One Core ALL Download
Balance Two ALL Download
EPX ALL Download
MAX 700 HW1-2 Download
HW3-4 Download
MAX BR1 HW2-3 Download
MAX BR1 ENT ALL Download
MAX BR1 IP55 HW2-3 Download
HW4 Download
MAX BR1 IP67 ALL Download
MAX BR1 M2M ALL Download
MAX BR1 Mini ALL Download
MAX BR1 Mini Core ALL Download
MAX BR1 MK2 ALL Download
MAX BR1 Pro HW2 Download
HW3 Download
MAX BR1 Slim ALL Download
MAX BR2 HW2 Download
HW3 Download
MAX BR2 IP55 HW2-3 Download
MAX HD2 HW1-4 Download
HW5-6 Download
MAX HD2 Dome ALL Download
MAX HD2 IP67 HW1 Download
HW2-4 Download
MAX HD2 Mini ALL Download
MAX HD2 with MediaFast ALL Download
MAX HD4 ALL Download
MAX HD4 IP67 ALL Download
MAX HD4 MBX ALL Download
MAX HD4 with MediaFast ALL Download
MAX Hotspot ALL Download
MAX On-The-Go HW2 Download
MAX Transit ALL Download
MAX Transit Duo ALL Download
MAX Transit Mini ALL Download
MediaFast 200 HW1-3 Download
MediaFast 500 ALL Download
MediaFast 750 ALL Download
SDX ALL Download
SpeedFusion Engine ALL Download
SpeedFusion Engine Cam ALL Download
Surf SOHO HW2 Download
Surf SOHO MK3 ALL Download
UBR LTE ALL Download
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Quick Start Guide for OpenVPN WAN with special firmware 8.1.0s024

The OpenVPN WAN is available as a standard feature (*with optional license) started from firmware 8.1.1GA, you may download the latest GA from the firmware download page.

Step 1: Prior to the configuration, please upgrade the device with the special firmware 8.1.0s024, this firmware version specifically includes our new OpenVPN WAN feature. Next, please visit Store (or via other purchase channels) to acquire the OpenVPN WAN License.

Step 2: Once the license obtained, you can choose to let InControl2 push the license key to the device automatically provided that the device is connected/online in IC2. Or, if you opt to enter the feature activation key manually, please go to System > Feature Add-ons to paste the license key, then click the [Activate] button.

Step 3: A notification will display if the feature is activated successfully. Please reboot the unit to continue as instructed.

Step 4: The new WAN (default name “OpenVPN WAN 1”) will appear after the device rebooted (firmware 8.1.0s024). Click on that WAN to continue with configuration.

Step 5: Follow the highlighted instructions for the mandatory parameters, you may leave other settings on default. Click [Save] once you are finished filling in the highlighted settings. Click on the [Apply Changes] button to save your settings and to activate the OpenVPN WAN.

Step 6: The router will attempt to contact the OpenVPN server and negotiate to establish the connection. Once negotiation is successful, it will be connected (as shown below). The router is now connected to OpenVPN WAN.

Step 7: Once it is connected, a simple PING test can be performed as a verification process. Please select the “OpenVPN WAN 1” as the Connection.

Step 8: Done! OpenVPN WAN is successfully configured and working on the router now.


For a high-availability pair, do I need two licenses (one for each) or just one (and it’ll carry over to the slave if the master fails)?



You need two licenses, OpenVPN WAN license does not carry over to slave.


If I bind the OpenVPN to a certain uplink, e.g. Wi-Fi WAN on 2.4Ghz, then both (WiFi WAN on 2.4 GHz, and OpenVPN WAN 1) will be active in the connection status – how can I be sure that all traffic using this uplink is going through the VPN and not directly through the WiFi WAN on 2.4 GHz?

Set an outbound policy to enforce the network traffic or other criteria to use the openvpn wan.

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I realize this is a 2021 post, but I wonder if these instructions are current in 2024 with firmware 8.4.1 build 5274 ?

I have a Balance 305 with the a/m firmware. I don’t have an “openVPN license”, or at least I never bought it or installed it (unless something came with the Balance?).
However, going to Advance-OpenVPN I can still setup the openvpn by ingesting the .opvn file generated by my openVPN server (router in another country).
When I then go to Status-OpenVPN, it says “Connected” in green, even if no “OpenVPN WAN” ever appears among the WAN’s or in the dashboard.
Why is it allowing me to do this, and differently from the instructions of this original post?

In any case things are not working properly: when OpenVPN is connected this way, all the devices in the LAN, regardless to which physical WAN they are connected, see the public IP of the openVPN server, with consequent ping delays, no matter what I do with the outbound policy (as I don’t have an "openVPN WAN to route through?).
Also, VPN appears to leak: shows several servers of the various physical WAN’s in different countries.

I am confused, which is the right approach with Balance 305 in 2024 to run openVPN and make sure it does not leak?
