Disappearing WANs on MAX BR1 mini hdwrv3

Rebooting travel trailer unit after winter for full-time travel.
Successfully updated MAX firmware to v8.41; programmed Starlink and WiFi WAN connections from the house as test. Everything works fine and then POOF! all my new connections disappear. Not disabled, gone.
After a reboot of the router they reappear. It’s happened 3 times in a couple of hours now. Is this a known bug, failing hardware, deux ex machina or?

@Mike_Black This sounds strange! My guess is, if the affected interfaces are ETH and Wi-Fi WAN, then it could be related to the PrimeCare validation/update… However, if a reboot restores these interfaces then it should be something else… :thinking:

Can you submit a ticket for our team to take a closer look at it?

Please help to provide:

  1. The device S/N for device verification
  2. Enable Remote Assistance or download a Diagnostic Report
  3. Quote this thread so the support team member is aware of the case background

Thank you for the reply. After a couple more tries the connection has stayed up now overnight. Oddly doing a google speed test seemed to cause the trouble but trying several different tests this AM causes no problem. If it recurs I’ll certainly do as you suggest.

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