Hi All,
I just made an installation of the following and I would like some advice:
Pepwave HD4 MBX
2x Pepwave HD1 Dome
Pepwave SIM Injector
I am trying to figure out what would be the best way using 1 SIM injector to connect the HD1’s to the WAN port 1 and WAN Port 2.
I have tried on doing the following:
Using the same IP range for both HD1, but different DHCP pools.
Router 1 xxx.xxx.xxx.1 DHCP range of xxx.xxx.xxx.1 to 199
Router 2 xxx.xxx.xxx.254 DHCP range of xxx.xxx.xxx.200 to 254
Didn’t work.
I was thinking on using different subnets, would this be a possibility?
It’s a shame that the SIM Injector cannot assign VLANS to the ports.
The other option would be to install in between the HD1’s and the MBX a PoE switch where I would create different VLANS.
Let me know what you guys think.
Thank you,
@SteveTaylor has been working on an issue with dual HD1s on a single SIM injector. I bet he has some wisdom to share…
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Hi @Jcol7884,
As @MartinLangmaid says, I’ve been working on a similar setup.
- Do the SIMS that you are using required APN settings? If so, this is now supported with the beta 8.1.0 firmware - you can use the HD2 Dome firmware on the HD1 Domes. > Firmware <
- Which Firmware version is the SIM Injector using? This is the latest Firmware that I’m aware of (1.1.55) > SIM Injector Firmware <
- I would suggest setting up the domes and SIM Injector as follows (change the IP addresses to suit your needs):
- Dome 1 = (no DHCP)
- Dome 2 = (no DHCP)
- SIM Injector = - set the Gateway to either of the Domes (doesn’t really matter).
At this stage, you should be using 2 of the ports on the SIM Injector (1 for each Dome) and both Domes should be allocated a SIM from the SIM Injector - if not, let me know. If both Domes are online, then you can connect the HD4 MBX:
Connect the remaining 2 ports from the SIM Injector to the WAN ports on the HD4 MBX.
Set the HD4 MBX as follows:-
- WAN 1 = (Gateway =
- WAN 2 = (Gateway =
I hope this helps,
Good day. Did this ever work? I’m looking at using a SIM Injector (SIM-BK8-4E-56V-DOM) to power and supply SIM support to two MAX HD1 Dome Pro 5G (MAX-HD1-DOM-PRO-5GH).