Consider a MAX BR1 with 2 SIMS A&B with “celluar settings” set as “Both SIM’s” and A is currently active and in the bond. Can I set this up so that if A SIM signal strength falls below a certain level B takes over? And if then B falls below a level A takes over or if A is below its set level then the pair drop out of the bond?
FW 7.1.0 allows us to set a signal level below which a SIM is will be treated as down when a weaker than threshold signal is determined. For a given SIM pair this is set once only so iis this for both sims or just the active SIM at the time it falls below a ceratin level?
Thank you.i am still not clear.
If I read the article correctly there is no setting to get the active SIM to fail over to the passive SIM based on the active SIMs signal strength. Is that right?
The Cellular Signal Threshold is per module, not per SIM. Therefore on a BR1, if neither SIM passes the Threshold parameter test, then neither SIM will be used!