Health Check Mechanisms Against Link Failure

Hi Alan,
we are using several Max BR1 with telekom as sim1 and Vodafone as sim2. Firmware is 6.3.1 build 2023.
Cellular settings are: both SIMs, no preference,stay connected, HealthCheck: ping, host 1 + 2 Google, Timeout 3 Interval 10, Retries 3 and Recovery 3.

When device starts it first connects to Telekom and when healtch check failes it makes failover to Vodafone.
It works good most time.

Now we have a device connected to Telekom with very low signal
Signal Strength RSRP: -105 dBm RSSI: -78 dBm
Signal Quality RSRQ: -10 dB SNR: 17 dB
(or below: RSRP -110 dBm, RSRQ -12 dBm). Device is seen in InControl2 but I’m not able co connect to Web Admin and it don’t failover to Vodafone because of a good health check.
It’s not possible to realy work over that connection.

Do you have a recommendation which receive values ​​are minimally necessary?
Is it possible to implement a health check based on minimal reveive values (configurable)?
A benchmark as requested in another post is not sessesary I think.