Selecting SIM card based on location (Peplink Max HD4)

Question, When I have stored 8 sims in the Peplink Max HD4 and 4 SIM are for Europe-only use and 4 SIMs covers the World (but also Europe but at a higher cost than the 4 SIMs for Europe alone), can the Peplink be configured that when the router is in Europe, only the 4 SIM for Europe-only will be selected and ignore the 4 SIMs for World (because they are more expensive).

Hi Timo Smit,

You could configure roaming options based on MCC code to make sure the more expensive SIMs do not roam while in Europe. keep in mind that this is a roaming restriction; the Sims will connect in the country of origin.
See: Roaming options for MAX cellular routers using MCC code