Port forward and source nat for Starlink dishy

Hi guys

Found the Starlink integration option yesterday. Nifty stuff.
But there’s another feature we’d like: the ability to remotely query the Starlink dish.
We use Zabbix to monitor our equipment including Pepwaves and Starlink dishes. We have a competitor router setup that allows use to reach the dish via type of port forward and source-nat. We would like to be able to do this with the pepwaves. Specifically we’d like to be forward ports 80 and 9200 to the dish preferably using the lan ip, or a lan ip (nat mapping?)

Setting up the nat-mapping or a port forward is simple enough, but I can’t reach the dish. This is likely because we to source-nat the dishes IP address ( since the dishy IS a gateway, and thus does not have a gateway.

I even tried setting a management IP on the wan interface of

Any suggestions in case I’ve missed something?

Hi Roy,

In the latest firmware 8.5.0, we added a new feature to allow user to reach the Starlink UT device gRPC service via the Peplink device LAN interface.

You can access the support.cgi to enable the gRPC proxy for the LAN interface to reach the Starlink UT device via different WAN.

  1. To access support.cgi page:
    http:// IP of your device /cgi-bin/MANGA/support.cgi

  2. Please look for Enable gRPC proxy to Starlink (TCP 9200 + WAN ID)*

Usage :
a. Assuming you have 2 Starlink UT in WAN1 & WAN2:
b Peplink device LAN Interface :

You can reach to the Starlink UT for the WANs [TCP9200 + WAN ID]:

Different models may have different WAN ID mapping, you can obtain the info via the Device API


Thanks for the information.

  1. When will 8.5.0 be released? I only see 8.4.1 on the firmware page for my Max BR1 Pro.

  2. Will this work if the Starlink wan port is in bypass mode? I know I would need a 2nd internet connection such as a sim card, but that is plan.


Try the URL

You can find the latest 8.5.0 RC 3 here.

The management forward works. Thanks guys.

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