One Pepwave MAX Transit Duo with two cellular lines.
- Line 1 has a fixed IP address, is slow and expensive.
- Line 2 has a dynamic carrier NAT address (, is fast and (relatively) inexpensive.
One Balance 380 with multiple lines with private, static IP addresses (i.e., they can reach out to a fixed IP address to set up the VPN, but not vice versa due to firewall rules).
Establish a PepVPN connection between the B380 and Line 2 of the Transit using IC2.
Attempt 1 (failed):
On the transit have both lines active/enabled with the same priority.
In IC2 set up a point-point VPN connection between the B380 and the Max Duo, with the priority in the WAN settings of IC2 being to give line 2 priority for the VPN connection.
The VPN succeeds in being established, but the connection is to cellular line 1 (the fixed IP address) and does not switch to line 2 even though line2 is enabled.
After establishing the connection, change Line 1 from priority 1 to priority 2. Line 1 now is on standby, but the VPN connection stays with line 1 instead of shifting to the (no top priority) line 2.
Attempt 2 (failed)
As with attempt 1, but with line 1 of the transit set to priority 2 (so it is on standby).
No connection gets established (as expected - the two IP addresses cannot be reached from their respective outsides for the initiation of the setup).
That once the connection was established in attempt 1 the transit would move its end of the VPN from Line 1 to the IC2-preferred WAN line 2.
Not happening…
Any suggestions?
Additional question:
If SpeedFusion were enabled in this case (extra license required), would both cellular lines become bonded? And if so, if line 1 became disabled, would the SpeedFusion connection stay up?