I created a separate 2.4ghz and 5 ghz wifi network and deleted the one that is default.
it seems that the 2.4 output is fairly weak and also the 5ghz.if you go too far away from the Peplink (aprox 60 feet) it completely drops. I see where you can boost the signal so I tried to boost to 40 but seems to make no difference in output signal strength.I went higher but get a warning that it may not comply with FCC or something like that.
Is there a way to actually test what the signal strength is outputting ? Any tips or ticks to make the output stronger.
Are you talking 60’ in free air, or 60’ through several walls and floors? My B One is just slightly weaker than the Asus WiFi 5 router it replaced (on 5GHz), 1-2dB weaker in places that are on the edge of my coverage. I think the 2.4 was a bigger downgrade but I almost never connect to that from the edge except with my smoker which needs almost zero bandwidth.
You’re not imagining this.
Here’s a post with additional information.
You can use a client device to test the signal strength around the house. I know Androids have lots of options there. iPhone you can download the old AirPort utility app. Hidden in that apps settings is “Wi-Fi Scanner”. Enabling that lets you scan for wifi signals and see their strength, ie RSSI, in dBm. Not sure how accurate any of these apps would be but good for comparative measures.
I just installed a B One myself, but have not gotten around to testing the WiFi. I have a strong access point that I use instead. I only really plan to use the B One wifi as a backup or as a WiFi as WAN failover
I have the apple airport utility on my phone and tested the signal and it is about 3 db weaker than the tp link I was using. It does ok in the house but if I go outside it drops. The tp link I can go 50 feet outside before it drops.I bought the B One for my home as I have a cellular backup and wanted to use the failover feature which is great and works as intended.I can reposition the Peplink but would have to do some additional cabling.May have to do that but I have another problem I will post on in a separate post.