B One range inferior to Soho MK3

Well, now I have done some semi-formal tests of the B One’s 2.4Ghz range compared to the Surf Soho MK3. Bottom line: The B One has a shorter range. This is a followup from a previous post, but I didn’t want to tack this on since I wanted to change the title of the post.

I set up the radios identically between the Soho MK3 and the B One, and then tried the B One with multiple antenna orientations, comparing the results from eight locations in my house. There were always one or more walls between the router and the measuring device.

I took perhaps 20 readings on the B One (trying different antenna orientations). There were three readings which were essentially equal between the two, but on the whole the B One was reading between 3 and 14dbm below the Soho.

Unless I can redeploy my Soho as an switch/access point that handles multiple VLANs, I may have to return the B One. Extremely disappointed.

May I know what tool you used to do the measurement?

Can you share the firmware of B One and SOHO MK3?

May I know which 2.4GHz channel you measured with?

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I used this WiFi Monitor app on a Google Pixel 8 Pro. I put the phone in the same locations and same orientation for each measurement and let it settle.

All measurements were made on Channel 6.

Both routers are at 8.3.0 firmware.

I’m aware that you can’t put much stock in the absolute accuracy of measurement tools like these. However, since I was doing a comparative measurement, the readings seem like they should be useful.

I really don’t want to have to return the B One, so if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them.


In spite of the data I’ve gathered, the B One seems to be holding its own now that I’ve tried it in production mode – a very pleasant surprise.

The Signal strengths as displayed in the Client List are on a par with the Surf SOHO’s, so I wonder if this is primarily a unidirectional effect.

In any case, it’s working for me at the moment, so I’ll be able to live with it.

What do speed tests show when you run them in the same location for the B One against the SOHO?

I’m sorry, but I dismantled the configuration and can’t run a speed test comparison at the moment. If I have the chance to do a comparison at some point, I’ll update this thread.

if you test again on channel 6, let us know what it says for power dbm output on the ap

if you test again on channel 6, let us know what it says for power dbm output on the ap

The settings for the B One are Max power with Boost enabled, on Channel 6. If you’re asking me what the actual measurement of the output power is, I’m not sure where to locate this info.

After some playing with the orientation of the B One, the Signal strengths on the Client List page are at least as good, if not better than the Soho was (not that the comparison is necessarily valid, since these were two different devices doing the measurements).

However, in most B One orientations, a few of my furthest clients simply couldn’t maintain a connection, performing poorly or simply failing on speed tests. I had to tweak the B One’s positioning very carefully to get these devices to work reasonably well. This is in contrast to the Soho, which had considerably more flexibility in its placement without risking poor connections to these same clients.

So my inference (between those observations and my spot-checks of signal strength) is that the B One is not transmitting signals as effectively as the Soho.

Granted, these problematic clients are through several walls and floors from the router. But the point is: it has been substantially more difficult to get a B One to work from the same location that my Soho operated without issue. I think I’m able to live with this, but time will tell.

@A_Mandel ,

Do you have a ticket created for this ? I think it would be best that support team can review the setup and also understand how the device being installed before giving any suggest ^^

If the ticket is not created yet, you can create here :

Please make sure you include the following info in the ticket :

  1. Forum post URL
  • This will allow support team to understands what have been discussed
  1. Floor plan diagram on how the AP being installed
  • This will help support team to understand how the device being installed.
  1. Remote Assitance access for the device
    How to enable Remote Assistance
  • To allow support team to verify the configuration.

To anyone interested,

I submitted a ticket for this, and have received an answer.

On 2.4GHz, the transmit power of the B One is 20dBm, vs 29dBm for the Surf Soho MK3. So that explains what I’m seeing.

On 5GHz, their respective transmit powers are 24dBm vs 23dBm, so the B One might have a slight edge on that frequency.

These figures are available on their website, although I hadn’t been able to locate the B One data as it’s not on their datasheet.


I wonder if this will be fixed in future HW releases or other BOne variants.