I recently replaced six routers with the new Peplink B One 5G. Out of the six devices, five have been rebooting at random times. Some reboot a few times a day.
I am not doing anything fancy. The routers have the latest firmware.
The previous routers (B One Core) ran for a couple of years without any issues.
Looking at the logs, I noticed that some of the SIM cards are failing SmartCheck, then the WAN priorities change (Outbound policies), and then I see the device restarting:
Dec 29 16:40:34 - System: Started up (8.5.1 build 5714)
I am on the road this week, but I must do more detailed troubleshooting before I assume anything. The two new variables, besides the routers, are the new 5G SIM cards and the outbound policies that have changed. I am using a 5G connection to add more bandwidth to my guest users, and before, the cell connection was used as a backup to my two WAN circuits.
Next week I will update the post with my findings.
This is weird. The device shouldn’t restart, the only thing that would restart in this situation (as described) would be the cellular module. If I were you, I’d grab a diagnostic report, enable remote support, and submit a ticket to Peplink.
Hello @fvideira ,
The devices can reboot if the “Watchdog Support” feature is enabled within the “/support.cgi” pages; a reboot could be caused by losing all WANs.
This image shows the “Watchdog Support” feature disabled (as it normally is by default when supplied new).
If you are using InControl2, are you using the Bulk Configurator? If so, your source file may have the “Watchdog Support” feature turned on when grabbing the reference configuration router details. To change that, you must get a fresh configuration file from a router with the “Watch Support” feature disabled.
Agreed with the suggestion, pulling a diagnostic report for us to do a preliminary check should give us a better understanding of the device’s condition.
After submitting the diagnostics and access to the devices that have been rebooting, tech support sent me this message:
“The engineering team has built a special firmware to tackle this issue, currently still undergoing test before release to you. I will keep you posted once the special firmware is ready.”
This is great news. I will update and test the routers with the new firmware and let you know if the rebooting issue is resolved.
You are right about QoS. That’s the feature that engineering asked me to disable.
However, the issues with my B Ones 5G are beyond the QoS.
WAN2 stops working every few days, and the only way to recover is with a router reboot.
Engineering is working on the issues, but we are 3 weeks in, and I don’t have a solution.
My client is not happy with the disruptions, I spent many non-billable hours dealing with the issues, and after 6 years recommending Peplink routers, I may have to look for a different solution, as QoS is critical to my clients.