Introducing the Antenna MAX

Antenna MAX

Why is it a MAX?
Because it delivers maximum gain, durability, and flexibility.

Introducing the Antenna MAX: a powerful outdoor solution that combines high-performance antennas with a rugged enclosure, designed to extend your router’s capabilities and enable outdoor use.

Learn more


No Datasheet yet I assume?

There is one available :wink:


I don’t see active cooling there. Any tests conducted vis-a-vis heat gain with various devices inside at different ambient temperatures?

Hi Rick,

good question. We did testing in temperature chamber with below listed devices:

  • BR1 Pro 5G - can pass +70C / +131F
  • Transit Duo Pro - can pass +55C / +158F

BR1 Mini was not tested, but since this generate even less heat so it should be even better then the above listed products.

Testing conditions:

  • Both devices had Peplink PoE Splitter inside the Antenna Max.
  • Testing duration 3 days.
  • During the text we generated traffic between LAN and Wi-FI (~400Mbps) and on the connected client a Youtube video was running to get some Cellular usage.

I suppose different scenarios might have different conditions, but still it would give a rough understanding about the limits and capabilities.


a few questions, love the form factor by the way!

  1. do you have the model number of the poe splitter shown in the datasheet/manual?
  2. Using this for marine applicaton, can I use ACW-652 on the bottom of this antenna?
  3. what is the maxium OD for the ethernet cable going in through the glands, the outdoor cable we use is 9mm OD.

Hi Evan,

We are glad to hear you like the form factor :wink:

  1. PoE Splitter SKU is not available yet.
  2. You can use these two Deck mount compinations
  • Antenna Max — ACW-653<>ACW-651<>ACW-653 — Deck
  • Antenna Max — ACW-653<>ACW-651<>ACW-652 — Deck
    You can check the ACW-651 drawings here for more details and why it is so.
  1. All gland openings are M20 or 20mm in metric system.
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Unless I’ve missed something, the utility of this is rather limited by the absence of a compatible 5G router that supports the SIM injector.

We plan to have those in the future. Stay tuned for the updates :wink:

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Thanks for the info! Do you know when the splitter will be available? will it include surge protection?

would E-SIMS not be an option for you?

Unfortunately not as many countries that we sail to have no e-sim support.

Yes, PoE Splitter will include robust surge protection. Also additionally, we made isolated designs for both: power and ethernet.

There is no official ETA available for the PoE Splitter, however we hope we can have it in Q1 or in other words: as soon as possible.


In the world of high-speed, uninterrupted connectivity, Peplink Antenna Max stands out as a game-changer. Designed for both rugged environments and seamless performance, this innovative antenna lineup ensures your devices are always connected, whether you’re at sea, on the road, or managing operations in remote areas. :+1: :call_me_hand: :sunglasses:


Yes a BR1 Pro 5G x62 or transit pro E 5G w/ FSC support is long overdue. There are currently no small US compatible (N model) 5G routers w/FSC support to my knowledge which is making me hobble along on the older compatible LTE equipment until something comes out to replace it.

If possible it would be good to make announcement when the splitter becomes available. I am waiting to buy an antenna max until that day since I have a transit pro duo to use it with.

Same here, I am planning to use it with the BR1 Mini 5g, just for the inline surge.