what is maximum internet bandwidth will support for the Peplink Balance 1350?
The specifications lists the current hardware as supporting 13 Gbps ethernet ports and a total throughput of 5Gbps.
Hi Zegor,
Thanks for the datasheet, just to confirm our model 1350 will support 5GB internet bandwidth, am I right? and whats the speed fusion throughput is actually, we are little bit confusing, all the while our total internet bandwidth speed is 300MB and with a recent upgrade on the internet our current speed is 3GB with four (4) connection, so our current mode should support is it?
Thank you.
First a caveat: The numbers I am quoting are from the spec. sheets.
Secondly: The throughput quoted from the spec. sheet (and identified in your posting) is for the current HW version. Older hardware is slower (see the overview published on the FAQ). To check what you have (if you have one in hand), see the hardware revision overview
Thirdly: The throughput is the aggregate - each ethernet port is limited by its own speed cap, which for a GE port would be 1 Gbps. If you have a single WAN connection then it would be limited to the port speed - 1 Gbps. If you have four WAN connections, each running at 750 Mbps for a total of three Gbps then I would expect the 1350 to be able to handle that.
Finally: This is all off the spec. sheet. Note the footnotes (e.g., “Router Throughput and PepVPN/SpeedFusion Throughput is based on Ethernet frame sizes of 1280 or 1518 bytes. Actual performance can vary across different networking environments. Figures apply to the latest hardware revision.”)
Wiser heads than mine may correct or elaborate on this
Hi Zegor,
Thank you for the information you shared to me. we are using hardware revision 2.
" Router Throughput and PepVPN/SpeedFusion Throughput is based on Ethernet frame sizes of 1280 or 1518 bytes. Actual performance can vary across different networking environments". Above info, I need better understanding. Just to check are you referring “Ethernet frame sizes” on my peplink? If yes, can you guide us where to find this setting?
The quote is from the spec. sheet, indicating that there are environmental factors w.r.t. their throughput capacity number.
I don’t have a 1350 handy, but on a 580 for each WAN setting it is found in the “Physical Interface Settings”, labeled “MTU” (see Wikipedia for an explanation).
Unless you know what you’re doing I’d suggest just leave it at the default “auto.”
Hello Surya,
As zegor said above, the MTU setting can be found in the WAN’s settings.
You can find your ISP’s max MTU using the ping tool. You’ll need to either connect directly to the modem or change the MTU on the Balance to something larger so the Balance doesn’t fragment the packets.
From Windows:
ping peplink.com -f -l <packet size>
From Linux:
ping -M do -s <packet size> peplink.com
From MacOS:
ping -D -s <packet size> peplink.com
I’d start with a packet size of 1440 and try going up or down from that point depending on if you’re seeing fragmentation.