You are correct.
hmm … Don’t think the PLMN priority will be the best feature used to redefined the global roaming behavior for the SIM cards. The reason being is that the more PLMN list that you defined it may delayed the cellular connection or fail-over to lower priority PLMN .
Can you please file a feature request for your use case and let Engineering team to consider the feasibility ? I would think your request maybe involve other integration like geolocation/others to apply the PLMN priority to the device dynamically but that may need Engineering team to review on that.
For the 4G/3G restriction, do you think you can have the following setup ?
Cellular SIM Slot A (PLMN 1, PLMN2, PLMN3) - LTE only connection
Cellular SIM Slot B (PLMN 1, PLMN2, PLMN3 - 3G Only connection.
SIM Slots connection fail-over should able to help you to limit the 4G and 3G carrier. Do you think it will help for the use case ?
Let me suggest that Status → “Event Log” be changed to “Event Logs” (plural) as there are now two logs.
@jmlapido, you can opt for the additional data plan from the Online Store. More details could be found in the post (highlighted below).
FYI: I see this often in the Event Log with 8.1 beta 4 at system startup:
Dec 31 19:00:54 MAC address conflict: Received an ARP packet claiming to be from our MAC address 00:1A:DD:00:28:00, but with an unknown IP (
Beta4 running on a SOHO HW2 connected to a SOHO MK3. WAN of beta4 into LAN of the MK3. is LAN side IP of the MK3 on the untagged LAN.
Again, just an FYI. I am not saying it is a problem. I don’t understand the message.
Suspect this is the issue that you reported previously that suppose related to the SOHO MAC address issue using your config. Suppose it should be fix for firmware 8.1.0. Do allow me to further narrow down the issue with you using the ticket 20010240.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but I got DHCP response issues on 8.1.0 beta 4 with the Balance 310x. I downgraded back to 8.0.2.
This relates to
21994 [DHCP] Fixed an issue where the DHCP server may not
reply to DHCP discovery or requests in rare situations
All Models
This doesn’t seem to be fixed.
UI feels slow in the beta compared to 8.0.2