We are pleased to announce that Balance/MAX Firmware 8.4.0 RC 2 and AP One Firmware 3.9.3 RC 1 are now available.
Download the Balance/MAX Release Notes
We are pleased to announce that Balance/MAX Firmware 8.4.0 RC 2 and AP One Firmware 3.9.3 RC 1 are now available.
Download the Balance/MAX Release Notes
8.4.0 rc2 failed to apply to a b20x running beta 2 but worked the second attempt
Updated to RC2 and the message “RemoteSIM component is incompatible to the firmware, please contact distributor for support.” is back after Peplink Support cleared it for RC-1…
What is the cause of this message?
Unfortunately, since installing on my MBX I’ve had it seemingly lock up / disconnect twice over the past few days. WAN and LAN Lights are normal on front, but no computer is getting IP any longer until I reboot.
ran RC2 for 8 hours on saturday (MAX HD4 MBX 5G) with no issue. just to say i haven’t seen the same issue. running 4 cellular WANs (2x VZ and 2x ATT)
Hello Mike ( @mbmike29 ),
We have seen the firmware 8.4.0RC2 working OK on an HD1 Dome Pro 5G with the SIM Injector on FW 1.1.115. Both devices (HD1 Dome & SIM Injector) could also be seen within InControl2.
We suggest grabbing the diagnostic file and submitting it via a Peplink Support ticket for the engineers to assess.
Happy to Help,
I have had an open case with PL support in regards to the message since Beta 1. Every time I update the F/W with my setup the message re-appears. During RC1 PL support did some magic to my device and had me reboot and the message disappeared. They did the same for me just today with RC2.
Been running RC2 for the last several days without issue on my MBX. Issue could have been unrelated, but I’ll keep my eyes out for it, and relevant logs.
Mine still shows the message. It would be great if we could get the published steps to get rid of it.
I think in the past a reupgrade of the same firmware upgraded the remotesim component.
Can you give that a try?
Definitely do try that, but In my case a reupgrade of the same firmware does not help. Peplink support said in my case there is a “small bug” they are working to fix.
Unfortunatly, it happened again – third time. Existing LAN clients cannot reach the router. Lights on ethernet ports remaining blinking, and cellular lights remain green. Only resolved with hard reboot; I’ll go back to RC 1 and see if happens with that.
@Lai Is there a reason why UBR Plus doesn’t get the ability to manage Starlink? Will it be added to a later release? Please advise.
UBR Plus is running same platform/SoC as Balance 20X. It is ARM32 based so limited in power/options.
Thank you for the clarification. Its disappointing that a relatively new router lacks power for the feature.
20x is not relatively new
hopefully the 20x refresh will be able to handle it
the big difference with the 20x versus other peplinks is the operating temperature limitation. some are hoping that the 20x comes in a non cellular version and updated cellular version. i believe peplink did a partial refresh but only updated the model to cat-7?
potential bug:
have internal AP turned off on a b20x but it still seems to be counting
AP Controller
Access Point:
2 (Online: 2)
Connected Clients:
There shouldnt be 2 online…just 1…the external AP…
@mystery Thanks. I was referring to UBR Plus being relatively new and disappointing not to support Starlink
Thanks for reporting this issue and you are right.
We will fix it in the future release (i.e. 8.4.1).
Manual band selection is missing on the BR1 Pro 5G