Balance 710 second hand

Hello! I recently came across 2 units of Balance 710 in a scrapyard (who would throw this away?!??!) that looked to be in pretty decent condition. I got them dirt cheap for the purpose of reselling them if they work. They both boot and on the small screen I’m presented with a login prompt which asks me for a pin. Obviously I don’t know the pin codes and I suspect it would be very difficult to obtain them. I tried resetting them both by holding the ESC button for a few seconds and then pressing ENTER when I’m presented with the prompt for factory reset, but that doesn’t seem to do anything. I also tried connecting to the web interface, but my guess is that the devices are locked and that’s why I don’t succeed. Can you advise me on how to verify that the units are working and/or how to unlock them?

Depending on the hardware revision they might be really quite old units and honestly not worth very much if anything today.

This post here would help you identify which hardware revision you have:

It would seem that I have the 3rd HW revision (early 2015). Does that help me in any way to unlock the devices?