Balance_5163 Access Point

I have an older Balance 5163 router (it’s working GREAT), I am wondering if any recommendations to add AP’s

I’d like to add a couple Peplink Pepwave AP as a cost effective solution.


Hey there

Great you’re enjoying your Balance router!

There’s a few models to choose from, so perhaps better to identify what you’re actually looking to cover? House? Warehouse? Building?

Wi-Fi - Enterprise-grade Wi-Fi for any environment.
Personally my favourite is the AP One AX, but if you need more or less coverage the Lite or the Pro might be better suited.

Well this has turned out to be a disaster, I purchased the One X mini as a test and have been unable to add it to the Balance Controller, I did open a ticket and in all honesty it has to be the worst support I have received in over 20 years in the technology industry.

Having invested in Peplink and mostly happy with the performance, this was the first ticket I have needed to open and despite the investment I can NOT have something that when there is an issue you guys hide under a rock.

Looks like Peplink is no longer the solution for me.