long TXT record responses from Peplink seem to be concatenated

Balance 2500 Ver 8.4.1

running into an issue with DNS in which the long TXT record lengths get broken into what appears to be a concatenated record when a client inquires the Peplink.
TXT record for
Value is : k=rsa; p=CDGfNBGCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCnnZ67teJIQQLcfbaaatAOx7UMJyFVpz29RX1ZlrV9xf5yJDQyCMCHcwcN5qNaqLMr/cuVzkSW3e1vYqO/9lqfXWkXSgYM8kVeywfubh07vNxTia/5pggiiCPD0+wgSgrMqJFDoKzzFAf+wWwidaHq9Q9Zel0+w9gWvis56xt7mRwIQBDAC

When it’s inquired:
IN TXT “k=rsa; p=CDGfNBGCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCnnZ67teJIQQLcfbaaatAOx7UMJyFVpz29RX1ZlrV9xf5yJDQyCMCHcwcN5qNaqLMr/cuVzkSW3e1vYq” “O/9lqfXWkXSgYM8kVeywfubh07vNxTia/5pggiiCPD0+wgSgrMqJFDoKzzFAf+wWwidaHq9Q9Zel0+w9gWvis56xt7mRwIQBDAC”

The result is broken into two quoted strings. This seems to cause difficulties with some email sfp/dkim/dmarc systems. I understood that peplink handled TXT records up to 450 characters, but it doesn’t seem to be sending the record whole.
What am I not understanding?

@TK_Liew - any thoughts on this?

UPDATE: It appears that anything OVER 127 characters in a TXT record gets split into two quoted strings. I’m not sure I understand as to why.

“v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUHHG5GFDCBiQKBgQCzSs4hEsf02S+JPRgbzNPYCCDJJ*sy678u4KuIHLWUv/A6rooPNpOYPc5enOhmoTFFypp/u” “Vh4fDMMMN1pWaWw/L”