WIFI Settings at Organisation level

Just pulling my request here to get more visibility: AP One Firmware 3.9.4 RC 1 - #6 by Michael

I would like to see more settings at organisation level in general, but this specifically is about wifi.

Most of our customers have WIFI that is org-wide, and for enterprise networks that’s not so bad, we can create that within each group without issue (or copy when creating new groups). It would be nice to set once and apply it to groups, but its ok.

PPSK could be done the same, but its more work- if a new PPSK is added for a new device, we might need to then go and re-configure that same PPSK in 50+ groups. It would be nice to ensure consistency and prevent mistakes to have it done once in one place.

(a similar dynamic exists with DNS settings and so on, but this topic is specifically about WIFI).


Hello @bryn.loftus & @Michael,
I’ve responded to this with a +1 (and written previously via other correspondence) on this to Peplink in past years.

Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:



I support this as well - would be very useful for larger corporations and their deployments.



Useful feature request



We may have 100+ groups next year so this will get unwieldy without central Wi-Fi management.

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Hi all, we came up with the following tentative design for the org-level SSID support. Let us know if it will work for you.

Org-level SSID profiles will contain the same settings as the group-level ones except for Schedule, Captive Portal, and Access Control List (under MAC Filter). They will not be available at the organization level.

Every device supports up to a certain number of SSIDs. All SSIDs defined at the org level will be applied to selected devices first, and then the SSIDs defined at the device or group level (if any) last. That means the org-level SSIDs will take up the free seats first. The group or device-level ones will take up the rest free seats.


Hi Michael, that sounds great!

Great. That will include the new PPSK configurations?

Yes, PPSK configurations will be included.

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The feature will be included in the coming release. ETA: end of Sept.