WIFI continuously scanning

I have had this setup for a few months now and I am ready to make a you tube video of me smashing the whole set-up. Support sucks, I am extremely unhappy and wished I never spent the money on this set-up. The wifi has never worked and all the videos on the internet with ANDY are extremely vague and never cover what to do if the wifi does nothing but scan all the time. What a colossal waste of time money and my patients. I have soft reset, I have hard reset the router. I even paid extra to have remote admin and nothing is working right. No articles about this problem what so ever. No videos. I CAN NOT BE THE ONLY PERSON WITH THIS PROBLEM. EMAIL SUPPORT BY THE WAY IS NOT WORKING.

Sorry to hear you are so frustrated. If you are willing, would you share with the community your hardware, physical environment and intended configuration? Maybe we can help and if not, maybe we can learn from your experience.

All I see is complaining but zero info that lets us have any insight into what the problem may be. some times its end user error, some times its a device bug.

If you filed a support ticket, what is the support ticket #? Perhaps someone from Peplink can shed some light.