why my Australian Balance20X HW3 can't support eSIM loading ?

Hello peplink,

I raised a ticket 2-3 weeks ago (before CNY) about this issue and the last message i got is that some Australian or Mexican model has eSIM loading support disabled. my Serial Number 192D-251D-6ABB, Firmware 8.4.1 build 5457

Menu item is not there in incontrol2 to load LPA code in

Can peplink advise which models and firmware version may i use to test eSIM for hardware sold in australia ?


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To confirm the peplink did connect to incontrol2 and is online while you are trying this?

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thanks jonathan, i powered off the bal20x for a week until now. I just turned it back on so that you can access it now. Please try again to have a look and let me know if u need me to access it locally.

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Please invite me as an admin to that group.
[email protected]

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Hello, local distributor told me that bal20x can’t support user import eSIM. I am going to test it again on b one 5g to see if it works.

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What carrier, what firmware on the 20x ?

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the physical SIM is on Optus australia, Bal 20x M6 HW3, firmware is 8.4.1 build 5457. the router connect fine to internet with that optus SIM but has no GUI to load eSIM

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You can load the esim via incontrol2 device page , device tools.

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Hi Jonathan, i tried and no menu item there at all for mine. it is not normal hence i raise this request. I gave up on that bal20x

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Is the device online ?
Can you share ic2 access with [email protected] ?

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