Which product to choose for SpeedFusion Bandwidth Bondig.

Excuse my newbie question.

I’m looking to bond multiple network lines for video streaming, and I’m wondering which Peplink product to buy.
Budget-wise, I’m thinking of installing either Pepwave MAX Transit Duo or Balance20X+LTE in the field and Balance20X as the base.
Will SpeedFusion Bandwidth Bonding work with this combination?
Am I correct that if I buy Transit DUO, I need to purchase MAX-TST-DUO-LC-SF license (SpeedFusion Bandwidth Bonding ) and PrimeCare in addition?
And if I buy Balance20X, is it correct that I don’t need license and only need to renew PrimeCare every year?

P.S. I didn’t take UBR into consideration this time because of its slow speed.


the Transit Duo is a good device for Broadcasting. If you use the PrimeCare Version there is no need to buy the extra SpeedFusion license.
You have to look at the SpeedFusion Bondingthroughput. The devices an lines should match or should be higher than you need.
I recommend to call a certified Peplink partner in your region to setup the right system for you. There are so many possibilities - and streaming should never be interupted.
Best wishes



Dennis is right, the Transit Duo CAT 12 on Primecare is a good device to use in the field, the Balance 20X also on primecare is a good hub device for a 1:1 relationship between the transit and the b20x for bonding as both support 100mbps unencrypted speedfusion bonding.

Key thing will be getting the SIMs right… where in the world are you?

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Dear Dennis,
Thanks for the reply.

I’m very relieved that I don’t have to buy a licence.
My understanding is that PrimeCare should be renewed every year after I buy the Transit DUO, am I correct?

The bitrate I’m expecting to deliver is not very high (4Mbps~8Mbps), so I think the Transit DUO has sufficient specs.

Dear Martin,

Thanks for the reply.
I am relieved to know that I can use SpeedFusion with Transit DUO and Balance20X without any problem.
I’m planning to use Peplink in Japan, and I’m wondering if it’s actually not so complicated in Japan since many SIMs support most of the Bands.

One more quesition,
If i buy Transit DUO and Balance20X, for SpeedFusion, do I need to buy PrimeCare for each devices? or either one?

Yes, you have to buy the PimeCare for each device. You can buy 1, 2 or 4 years if you want.
8 Mbps shouldsn’t be a problem for the router, it depends on you LTE signal and the tower.

Dear Dennis,
thanks for the guide.
I’d like to move forward with the purchase.


Finally, I bought Max Transit DUO and Balance20X with PrimeCares.
Thanks for your kindly advice!.

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