When I add my B One to the Peplink iOS app it automatically enables OBP (out bound policy) management by the app overriding all existing rules

When adding an existing router to the Peplink app the OBP is automatically enabled from the app. This overrides all existing rules without any warning. I can’t find a way to have the router in the app for notifications like wan status but still be able to controle the OBP on the device.

A possible workaround would be to setup all rules from incontrol2 I guess. But still I think local management should be possible together with using the app.

I don’t use the Peplink app for the same reason, it arbitrarily messes with all kinds of settings. You can use the incontrol app instead even though it is not as fancy looking. The only caveat with the incontrol app I have seen is wans that are in a priority lower than 1 are not shown directly in the app, but it is easy to pop over to the router gui there and see the dashboard.

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