When Are Service Renewal Reminders Sent? Who Will Receive Them?

###FAQ: When are service renewal reminders sent? Who will receive them?

The system regularly sends out emails to our customers about their Peplink device’s warranty or subscription status.

In general, service renewal reminders are sent on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month.

#####Expiring within 60-70 days

If a device’s warranty or subscription is going to expire between 60 and 70 days, the partner who purchased the device will receive a service renewal reminder.

#####Expiring within 30-40 days or within 10 days

If a device’s warranty or subscription is going to expire between 30 and 40 days or less than 10 days, the device’s organization administrators on InControl will receive a service renewal reminder.

If the device’s group on InControl enabled the option “Send Warranty and Subscription Renewal Reminder to non-Organization Administrators”, the group’s administrators will receive the reminder as well.

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