what port wan is disabled peplink 1350

i have 1 peplink 1350, but now all ports are obfuscated and require activer. Can anyone help me or explain why?

Have you just upgraded the firmware to 6.3.4 from 5.x?

If so, you need to apply a free license to activate the 6.3.4 firmware. The licence can be obtained from InControl, your > Certified Peplink Partner < may be able to help, or you can raise a Peplink support ticket - they’ll need the serial number of your Balance 380.

yes, we updated to 6.3.4 and got this error.

Hello. currently we are administrating the device, but we no longer keep the purchase papers and don’t know from which paener of peplink to buy.

You should be able to login to incontrol go to this device and then in the device details you’ll see the firmware key.
Or you can log a ticket with Peplink and they will send you the unlock key for free.