WAN Smoothing / Site-Site VPN / Speedfusion Cloud (UBR LTE)

Hi, I’m working on a proof of concept for point-point video streaming application. Super impressed with the Peplink gear so far, my first experience with this system.

I have a pair of UBR-LTE devices, each with 3 x WAN connections (WAN Ethernet, Cellular 1 and Cellular 2).
On the LAN side, a single management laptop as well as a video encoder/decoder (192.168.50.x on 1st UBR LAN and 192.168.51.x on 2nd UBR LAN)

I’m up and running with the WAN Smoothed/Speedfusion cloud setup - works great, and when outgoing routes defined appropriately, can see internet traffic flowing across all WAN interfaces.

I’ve also setup a point-point VPN (using the Incontrol2 web GUIs) - and again this works great, except it’s only using my WAN Ethernet connection - not the aggregated/WAN smoothed speedfusion cloud link.

My intent was for the Point-Point VPN to carry the video traffic from the encoder (on 1st UBR LTE) to decoder (on 2nd UBR LTE) - e.g. streaming from to

So I’m wondering, if it is possible to setup point-point VPN tunnels via the SpeedFusion Cloud / WAN Smoothed interface? Or what is the best way to establish a robust/resilient connection for a point-point VPN transporting video traffic?

Thanks in advance!

Hi. Speedfusion cloud was really designed to be used for internet access, so inbound connections are not supported, that means you can’t do UBR to UBR via SpeedFusion Cloud.

The usual way to do what you want is to host a FusionHub virtual appliance in the cloud and then build SF VPN from both UBRS to it acting as the hub device. This works well. Your UBRs include licensing for FusionHub so all you need is to pay for hosting. I use vultr.com @ $6/month for 1TB of bandwidth.

Video here about setting up Fusionhub on vultr Setting Up FusionHub on Vultr – Martin Langmaid – SDWAN Architect

Good luck!

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