WAN Smoothing on Fusionhub?


just a quick question:

We have a Balance 310 5G with 4 WAN Connections and a Fusionhub setup at Vultr.

Does it make sense to activate WAN Smoothing on both sides or does it make only sense on the Balance310 side as the Fusionhub has only one network connection?

What about the settings under Traffic Distribution like “Weighted Bonding”. Does that setting make sense on the Fusionhub side?

Thanks for your answers!



What are you using speedfusion for?

The right way to configure speedfusion is to push and pull traffic over the tunnel and then read the speedfusion graphs to see what the issues are.

See Packet loss on upstream? WAN smoothing or fec on b310 end. Downstream too? Turn it on on the fusionhub also.