WAN port PoE on the MBX Mini in firmware v8.4

One of the things that caught my eye right away with the v8.4 firmware was this statement:

“PoE Output available on MBX Mini WAN Port.”

Has anyone figured out how to do this? I can’t find anything anywhere about it beyond just the marketing pitch. I’ve wanted this for a while to run an external Cradlepoint 5G device on the WAN side, so I was excited when I heard it was in the new firmware. I’ve gone through all the settings and can’t find any mention of it, and when I test the port with a Fluke, no power is found.

Does anyone know?


@Doug_Mason, the WAN - PoE output option could be located under the WAN Connection Settings, for those supported models.

Below is a screen capture from an SDX Pro, but it should apply to MBX Mini too. You may check it out and let us know.


Thank you so much, Wei! I swear I looked at every single option through the menus and never saw it but you were 100% right, it is right there. Thank you again.,


Note that for anyone using synergy mode this option will be present in the synergized interface which will be sitting in priority 4 in the interface.

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