WAN disconnected (No cable detected) every couple of seconds

Hi all.

I’m often taking Peplinks into multiple venues where they are providing wired WAN connections to me - I’ve noticed this message in the logs and it seems the WAN disconnects every few seconds saying no cable connected. Every time this happens I can take that wan connection and plug it into a laptop or other router and it works perfectly everytime. It doesn’t appear to be failing health checks and I’ve seen it at a few different locations and also on different peplink models.

Would appreciate any thoughts and suggestions as what I could try?

Sounds physical to me. Assumedly you have swapped cables.

If you wiggle the WAN cable furiously when its plugged in can you make the indicators go off or increase the number of cable unplugged events?

Rock solid, have tried multiple cables and it’s happen on 2 different units in 2 different locations. Plug the same cable into a laptop and as far as I can tell it’s solid. It’s got me stumped.

I had the same situation and it turned out, that there is a autonegotiation problem. Try to set the interface settings of the WAN port to manual settings, check 100 Mbps full/half duplex or 1 Gbps full/half duplex. Did this help ?

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