VPN Novice Questions (figured out) - Surfshark Connection

I have a MAX Transit installed on my boat. I connect through marina wi-fi or through cellular. All works perfectly. I use Surfshark VPN on my computer and smart phone. My smart TV does not have the capability to install a VPN app so I would need for the MAX Transit to be be configured with VPN to protect the TV.

As I am a novice when it comes to fully understanding the VPN server, client relationship, I am a little confused. Can I configure my MAX Transit to tunnel through Surfshark VPN so that when I connect my smart TV through Wi-Fi it will be protected.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I have now figured this out. That said, I am remote right now from my boat so I’ll have to check the client connections when I go to the boat. This is the process for configuring my MAX Transit to use OpenVPN through Surfshark.

  1. Obtain and install the Open VPN WAN license. Once you have obtained the license, inControl will push the license key to your router. You can also enter manually if not using inControl. Reboot the router.
  2. After rebooting, start the OpenVPN setup at Network → WAN → OpenVPN WAN–> Details.
  3. Log into your Surfshark account. https://my.surfshark.com/vpn/manual-setup/main (If logged in already, VPN–> Manual Setup)
  4. Select the “Locations” tab. Select the desired Surfshark router and download the UCP .ovpn file. After downloading, upload to the Network → WAN → OpenVPN–> Details–> ovpn file
  5. On Surfshark, select the “Credentials” tab. Copy and paste the username and password into the Network → WAN → OpenVPN–> Details–> Login Credential
  6. Set the other parameters on the OpenVPN WAN–> Details set-up page as needed. Recommend leave default except ENSURE you set the desired Uplink Connection Priority at Network → WAN → OpenVPN–> Details–> Uplink Connection Priority
  7. Set outbound policy (Advanced–> Outbound Policy) to direct the desired traffic to the OpenVPN WAN. You will have to make a new rule.

Thanks for the detailed procedure. I was able to properly set up the Surfshark VPN on my Max BR1 Pro 5G with a combination of your post and a video on the 5G store. However now I have another issue. When I try to run Hulu on my Roku device, I get an error saying Hulu cannot run on a VPN. Surfshark says clear the cache and everything will work. I don’t think there is a cache on the Pepwave. Has anybody been able to solve this issue?