Viewing of live ships location using new gps data from starlink with no GPS module.


To provide some users direct view only access to the InControl map to view live vessel location. (with no other access to InControl)


Each of my vessels are in its own Organization.

There may be 2 or more vessels owned by the same company that would love to view all of their vessels locations live on one map. I know i could move these particular vessels into one organization to accomplish this already (live tracking working great on my 830X with no GPS module pulling GPS data from the Starlink antenna.)

But when creating a view only login to InControl i feel it shows to much information for a basic map view only scenario. (for displaying on a monitor at home office on land)

Does anyone have any cool idea’s on various ways to do this without reinventing the wheel? The InControl map is more than sufficient for what i’m looking for.

I am running a speed fusion server onshore all of the vessels connect to for bonding… Maybe I could do some custom API work?

I’ve done some extensive testing with the GPS forwarding to output the nema data to do some custom scripting but the router does not spit out any nema data due to this GPS data is originating from the Starlink antenna.

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

We could work together to do a custom page for you to display this information. We are a peplink partner and have specialized in custom work. PM me or e-mail me for more information [email protected]

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