Viewing DSL statistics from Draytek VDSL modem

Draytek modems broadcast the DSL stats when in bridge mode, on UDP4944.

If we could get this picked up by the Peplink and display it for the WAN, much like the starlink WAN information (but simpler) that would be really great.

Here is the info:


anyone else use VDSL at all?

I don’t know if there is enough people that would need this.
What peplink device are you connecting it to?
Did you know they make a dsl module for the 20x, 380x , 580x?

yes, the b20x is moving to a special order product, so it’s likely we’ll be using less of the b20x/vdsl module in future in favour of BOne series.

380x/580x are not available in AU market.

I agree - not a lot of VDSL lines left out there… Maybe time to upgrade clients Bryn :rofl:

unfortunately thousends of FTTN/FTTB lines still in the National Broadband Network in Australia. Most of the FTTN will have a path to upgrade to FTTP in the next year or two, but all the FTTB in places like shopping centres have no ability to move to FTTP yet (only enterprise fibre solutions, which are usually too expensive for retail).

thousands no connections on VDSL2 for a few years yet. the vdsl module in the 20x is good, single box solution but its essentially going away in favour of BOne series (and wasnt available on the next “size up” B310 5G anyway).

bridged modems are ok, but without being able to see stats live, we can’t tell if a line is going bad until after the client complains, which isnt great.

draytek modems broadcast that data in a udp packet, ready to be read.

Let’s discuss offline, maybe we can develop a custom solution.
[email protected]

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I would use this feature. Anyone know if Zyxels do something similar when in bridge mode? Tried looking it up myself but it appears not.

If only they all used gRPC like Starlink. But that’s the great thing about standards, so many to choose from!