Use Internet on two remote sites

Dear friends :

Please consider the following scenario :

We have 3 sites ( A,B,C )
Site A is connecting to Site B using a pair of point to point wireless antenna
Site B is also connecting to Site C using a pair of point to point wireless antenna
we have a balance 580 on site A

Goals :
Creating a load balancing / fail over between antennas connecting Site A to B and Site B to C.
Transferring a 10 Mbps Internet bandwidth to site B through site A
Transferring a 30 Mbps Internet bandwidth to site C through site A

Please give a solution to achieve the above goals using Peplink balance devices. is it possible to use balance 20/30 to achieve these goals or we have to use devices with VPN bonding features ?
Is it possible to use Peplink bandwidth management feature to assign 10Mbps and 30Mbps bandwidth to remote sites ?

I’m waiting your reply and suggestions as soon as possible.:slight_smile:

Thanks and Regards.

Only Site A has Internet gateway? Therefore you want to route Internet traffic from B to A and from C to A via B, right?

Regarding your second question about bandwidth management feature to assign 10Mbps or 30Mbps over Peplink Site-to-Site VPN, it will be available at firmware 5.5.

Dear Lai ,

Yes this is correct , only Site A has Internet Gateway.

So , could you please give me an estimate timeline for firmware 5.5 ?

Thanks and Regards.