Unknown error, pleas try again later

I have hit a “Unknown error, pleas try again later.”
After I have power off the PepWave, I simply cannot connect to again after power on. I searched the Forum, someone had the problem before due to overheat. I am sure I have not over heat the unit. It is located in well ventilated place and I have been trying to set up WAN.
Please help.


Do you try before clearing the cache or using incognito mode for your browser to try access again ? Sometimes it can be related to browser cache issue.

If the above not able to help, please open a support ticket for support team to help on this.

Hi Sitloongs,

I appreciate your response. I have tried different Ethernet cable. I simply cannot make any connection. I set my computer to have a fixed IP address I am not able to ping from my computer. I tried incognite mode on my browser. It does not work. I have tried to reset the unit by using a paper clip to push the reset button. It is still not working.

Thanks you for your help. I will submit a ticket to the web page as in your email .



I just so happened to have this exact error tonight on my Balance 20x. Seems i had no internet connection when i tried to login.

I connected to my WIFI network and login worked. Assuming you are using windows, you could try an ipconfig /renew and see if you get an IP…

Do you have an IP assigned to eth interface when you run ipconfig ?

The only time I had a problem with the web interface, it was due to an extension in my web browser. Try another browser if you can. Better yet, try a browser with no extensions.

And it is always good to simplify things. Take the router off-line. Power cycle it (turn it off/on) too. If you can, try a different computer/tablet/phone.


Thank you for the advice. I have tried ipconfig /renew command. The attached screen shot shows the results. I have my PC directly connected to PepWave with Wifi disabled.

First, I have configured my PC with a fixed IP address of It did not work.

Then, I configured my PC with DHCP. I still unable to connect to PepWave. Although with error for DHCP, my computer has been assigned to an address of My PC still unable to reach PepWave.

After PC reboot, with DHCP protocol, my PC has kept IP address PepWave is still unreachable.




I appreciate your advice. I have tried Chrome and Firefox. Although Microsoft i.e. is not recommended, I have also tried. None of them is working. I have tried different computers and I have tried windows OS and Linux OS. None of them is working.

I have tried power cycle the computers, power cycle PepWave, reset the PepWave by using a paper clip to push the reset button. It is still not working



Have you tried a browser with NO installed extensions?

No access via Ping could be normal, there is a router configuration option for that.

If your PC was given an IP address by the router that tells us something. For further debugging, first try to access the router by its IP address, either a ping for a web browser. Then in a command window, enter “arp -a”. A good result in the router’s IP address on the left and its MAC address on the right. This shows us that, at the lowest possible level, your computer is talking to the router. Helps pinpoint the problem.

Are you always getting the unknown error or does the web interface fail to load at all in a browser?

You didn’t say if the router is online.

If it is online, have you tried Incontrol2?

I have not set anything to block pings.

The computer remains address assignment when the PepWave is powered off. I think it keeps a memory of last assigned address.

I have directly connect computers to PepWave, without switch router in between.

The unknown error happened once. I tried to reboot PepWave. After I power off and power on again, I have lost all response from PepWave. I cannot get my computer online via PerWave either.

I have tried multiple web browsers. None is working.

I am not sure what is incontrol? Could you be more specific?



The unknown error happened once. I tried to reboot PepWave. After I power off and power on again, I have lost all response from PepWave.

This is where we should have started. There are indicator lights on the router. Are they all off? If not then what is the state of each light?

There are also lights on each Ethernet port. Are they on? If so, what color are they? and are they blinking?

I have tried multiple web browsers. None is working.

Try the arp -a command after power cycling your computer as I suggested earlier

Ping may be blocked by default, no sure, so this tells us nothing.

The computer remains address assignment when the PepWave is powered off. I think it keeps a memory of last assigned address.

Yes it does. The more important question is what happens when the computer is powered off and back on? Does it get an IP address from the router?

I am not sure what is incontrol?

InControl2 is the Peplink cloud service. If the router is online and is configured to use InControl2, you can talk to the router from any computer in any location.

where did you buy the router? How long have you owned it?


Good question. There is only one Ethernet port light on. It is orange color blinking about once each second more or less. The LED is on the left hand side when I facing the port jack.

I have my computer set to DHCP. After restarted my computer, I have my computer set to IP address and gateway Where my SIM card come with a fixed IP address

arp –a output is as attached screen shot.

Route PRINT command output does not show any info about


I have registered the device online. There is no activity showing in the InControl 2

Thank you for your help.

This problem is resolved by going through ticketing system. The solution is to reset the device by pushing the reset button for about 10 seconds till the LED lights are blinking.
After reset, al configuration are back to factory defaults.
Thank you all for your advice.

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