September 9, 2020, 4:15pm
Yes, this has been the subject of numerous requests, dating back at least six years …
Hello every one,
I have 1 Surf Soho under test environment in a remote location.
This unit is used to give me access to a remote server using 3G connection. For the remote access we use DDNS (using our Pro accont from DynDNS) and port forwarding.
This is a very usual application we have and up to the moment we have been using 3G/4G routers from Linksys and TP-link but we are not very happy with them, so, as we already had a peplink Balance 380 and a 210 in our office and we are very happy wit…
Peplink Balance, upon receiving the DNS query, returns to the client computer the IP addresses of www.foobar.com that correspond to available WAN links. For example:
If both WAN1 and WAN2 are available, then both the IP address that corresponds to WAN1 and that of WAN2 are returned.
Based on the above quote, if the Peplink has two WAN’s with fixed IP address, then it can do inbound load balance using inbound interface overflow algorithm ?
I have a total of two Balance 20s and 3 Surf SOHOs. (Soon to have a 210! :<) ) The issue I raise is common to all.
Generally, DDNS updating works quite well. However there is a circumstance where it does not …
Suppose the router has two WAN connections:
Cable, 30 down / 5 up
DSL, 1.5 down / .5 up
Now suppose WAN1 fails. The DDNS will point to WAN2. WAN1 recovers, DDNS will still point to WAN2.
What I think is needed: A firmware change so the admin should be able to configu…
I have a Peplink Balance 30, Firmware v4.8.1 build 1106
Can I have a ddns for both wan?
If one down, the other WAN up and renew the IP address of DDNS.
If I configure both WAN in “Alway-on”, what have the priority?
Dynamic DNS update should work for the WAN fail-over from Primary WAN to the backup WAN or recover from backup WAN to the primary WAN (Primary WAN is Active and Backup WAN is in standby) .
Please check the simulation logs below:
Aug 08 10:01:56 DDNS: Domain mypeplink.myftp.info updated successfully for WAN 1
Aug 08 10:01:54 WAN: Mobile Internet standby (
Aug 08 10:01:54 WAN: WAN 1 connected (
Aug 08 10:01:12 DDNS: Domain mypeplink.myftp.info updated succes…
Why not remove the DDNS settings from the WAN pages and move it to Network → Misc. Settings. Then, allow the user to set parameters as to how the DDNS update message(s) should be sent.
Addressing the stated issue raised by @sadamsky I’m going to take the liberty of moving this thread to Feature Requests.
Maybe we can get one of the nice folks @ Peplink to take the initiative to move this forward? (Note: We are not talking about inbound load balancing here – just simple DDNS updates based on specified criteria . And sometimes IC2 is simply not an option .)