Trying to get SIM Cards for MAX-HD2-LTE-US-T from Verizon

I called Verizon today to get two sim cards and two lines of service for our new MAX-HD2-LTE-US-T router. They said it was not on their product list and that Verizon cards and service for these devices must come from the manufacturer or supplier, or some third party. The documentation of the type of cards on the peplink site is pretty clear. I guess I will call Verizon back with the sim card size needed and the device Imei???

Hi raldiochelpdesk, they should be able to activate your SIM cards by providing VZ the IMEI’s off of the device. If you still have issues getting them activated, please have Stephen email me the IMEI’s and I will double check with Peplink that the IMEI’s were properly uploaded into Verizon’s database. Sometimes they “fall through he cracks”.