Transit Duo Pro SpeedFusion WAN Connection

I have Transit Duo Pro,I have a Peplink MAX Transit Duo Pro. I now find that in the SpeedFusion WAN Connection Priority settings, I cannot set the priority of all WANs to the highest level. Only one WAN signal can be the highest level at the same time. How should I solve this problem?

In SpeedFusion, only one WAN port can be connected at a time, and the other WAN ports are cold standby.

If anyone knows, please let me know, I’d be grateful

Check … Do you have speedfusion… not pepvpn… correct?

At speedfusion profile… you choose your priority connections?

and at dashboard… those connections are also em priority one?


yes,I set it up with SpeedFusion VPN

Have you checked the other screens configs?

Yes I have checked, I have other Peplink devices, the settings are the same, only this one can only be on the same wan highest level

Does this particular unit have a valid PrimeCare contract as an active one required for SpeedFusion bonding on those units, without it you would just get PepVPN without the bonding.

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Thank you very much, I have solved it