Time Limit


May I know is there any way we can do time lapse in any of the peplink devices? Can activate the Internet Access on specific Time of the Day.

Yes, you can create a schedule and then apply it to a wifi SSID to turn it off, or to a firewall rule to block user traffic if they are on a wired connection.

Unfortunately, I cannot see an option to schedule SSID. Can you help further?

Go to settings Device Schedule at the group level and add the schedule you need:

Then you’ll find it in a list when you edit the SSID:

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I have applied a schedule to an SSID. I am using LAN interface. InControl is disabled. I confirmed the proper time zone, confirmed system time, saved, applied changes, and rebooted the router. Unfortunately the SSID remains on with internet access during the times it should be off. I am using a Balance One with firmware 8.2.1. Is there a reason the schedule is not working? Thank you.

A few hours after this post I changed the time zone to GMT, then changed it back to my time zone, and rebooted the router again. 15 minutes after rebooting the schedule started working.