Has anyone tried to install a ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent on docker on a Peplink device? I have an SDX Pro that I’m trying to install it on, but despite the docker instructions for TE being relatively simple, I can’t seem to get the docker to create and actually run. I can run it without any arguments, but it needs arguments to run and connect back to my ThousandEyes instance. The documentation for what Peplink can and can’t support docker-wise is pretty limited.
There are a few other posts about docker on here, mainly the limitations regarding “docker run.”
What command are you using to start the container?
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The full syntax that ThousandEyes specifies for their docker run command is as follows:
docker run \
--hostname='<NAME>' \
--memory=2g \
--memory-swap=2g \
--detach=true \
--tty=true \
--shm-size=512M \
-e TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=redacted for security reasons \
-v '<HOST_VOL_AGENT_DIR>/thousandeyes/<NAME>/te-agent':/var/lib/te-agent \
-v '<HOST_VOL_AGENT_DIR>/thousandeyes/<NAME>/te-browserbot':/var/lib/te-browserbot \
-v '<HOST_VOL_AGENT_DIR>/thousandeyes/<NAME>/log/':/var/log/agent \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
--name '<NAME>' \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--security-opt apparmor=docker_sandbox \
--security-opt seccomp=/var/docker/configs/te-seccomp.json \
thousandeyes/enterprise-agent /sbin/my_init
I’ve noted that the "docker run " must actually be “docker run thousandeyes/enterprise-agent” for the agent to start. That’s all though. If I add any of the required arguments as you see here, the agent won’t start. It will create the container, but it will not actually run, nor will it produce any logs that tell me what’s wrong.